Groundwater Investigation Consent

Pumping Tests - Complete and Submit an Application for a GIC (Groundwater Investigation Consent)

To enable a pumping test to be undertake an EA/SEPA or NRW Groundwater Investigation Consent (GIC) will be required. This includes permission to construct the borehole(s), and undertake the proposed pumping test, which may include additional monitoring or flow conditions unforeseen at this stage. The application would be made in the client’s name. On behalf of the Client, we would complete the necessary forms to be submitted to the Environment Agency (EA) required to obtain an GIC. This includes the following forms:

  • Form WR32 - Water Abstraction: application or a consent to investigate a groundwater source.

We would look to discuss the proposals with the EA and prepare a supporting document, which would provide additional information and document of relevance to the application. Where necessary, this would also include a technical note and information on the proposed pumping test with schematic layout drawings. Please note a Water Feature Survey may be required as part of the process.

Please note: The application process normally takes 2 weeks for required pre-application work with 4 weeks to approve.

Please note: The GIC is only relevant to abstraction. A permit to discharge needs to be assessed separately, either under RPS conditions, a bespoke discharge licence or a trade effluent permit.

Please contact us to discuss matters further