Complete and Submit an Application for a bespoke environmental permit (water discharge activity)
In the event that final discharge for the main dewatering working is via an existing site water course, an environmental licence to discharge will be required. On behalf of the Client, we would complete the necessary forms to be submitted to the Environment Regulator (EA/SEPA/NRW) required to obtain a bespoke environmental permit (water discharge activity). This includes the following forms:
- Form EPA (Part A),
- Form EPB (Part B2),
- Form EPB (Part B6) and
- Form EPF (Part F1).
In addition, we would prepare a supporting document, which would provide additional information and document of relevance to the application. Where necessary, this would also include information on the proposed dewatering system and schematic layout drawings. Please note, our submitted costs do not include for any additional water analysis, on-going monitoring or addition comparative or analytical works on water quality. Please note the application process normally takes 2 to 3 weeks for required pre-application work with approval currently taking 4 months to approve.
Please contact us to discuss matters further